Lemanit Ltd. – founded in 1993 – is known in the industry as a traditional supplier of renowned German (schwäbische Alb) and Hungarian companies.
Initially Lemanit Ltd. started its activity with 15 machines, at present our machinery counts 150, which allows us flexible production as a specialist in fineribtubular body-width fabrics in women and man sizes.
Our circular knitting plant consists of the following circular knitting machines: double bed Mayer, Albi and Terrot, and single bed Monarch and Orizio machines.
- Application: underwear, leisure suit, artificial leather
- Fabric types: body-width finerib, single jersey, interlock, jacquard-like
- Composition: cotton, elastic and blended
Our motto: bleached, dyed, raw fabric or toll processing.
Our main task: excellent quality on deadline at reasonable price.
Our factory has been posessing the GOTS by Ceres certification since 2014.
Our fabrics had been delivered to the following companies, references from more than two decades:

Our circular knitting company is specialized in the production of body-width tubular full needle 1:1 finerib and 2:2 double-rib fabrics.
Our machinery gauges are 15E and 18E.
in both machine groups all diameters can be found, in order to meet the customers’ requirements:
- in gauge 15E range from 8 to 26 inches
- in gauge 18E range from 11 to 24 inches
Tubular fabrics can be manufactured from 20 cm children size to 60 cm adult size in 15E range.
In 18E range we produce adult women and man sizes.
Besides the elastic, body-widht fabrics produced in 22-46 cm, – due to our technical devlopment – tubular elastic waistband in 22-40 cm is also available.
The composition of the processed yarns is mostly contamination-free cotton and GOTS cotton.
Might you be interested in our productts, please get in touch! It’s our pleasure to send you an offer.
Do not hesitate to contact us!
Lemanit Kötőipari és Kereskedelmi kft
H-9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Barátság u. 12.
Tel.: +36 96 572 240
Fax: +36 96 572 249
e-mail: harsanyi.levente@lemanit.hu
H-9181 Kimle, Fő út 179.
H-9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Barátság u. 12.
CRN: Cg.08-09-003371 (Győri Törvényszék Cégbíróság)